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Foundations Of Yoga 06-13-10

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Foundations Class 06-10

Vishudha Chakra

June Foundations of Yoga Class

Svadhyaya - the niyama of resonating with whats inside

svadhyaya - looking inside, self inquiry
ishta devata- inner teacher, chosen deity
sampra yoga - complete union

How can we discover who we really are?
In the context of yoga - Svadhyaya is awareness of our radiant essence.
Our true nature. An Inner Namaste.

Awareness and consciousness on God enables God flow through us.
Awareness and consciousness on our problems or troubles
enables that as what we reflect.

As we become aware of our innate radiant essence and reflect it,
even if we don't talk about it,
people recognize it in our smile and actions.

Answers by class members to the question: What do you most align with?

  • "For me - its silence"

  • "I align most with Nature. You have to believe it was given to live-in."

  • "The profound insights I receive about my Self on the journey from
    Alpha to Omega - The journey I believe we all are on - from material to spiritual.
    I'm Christian and relate to Jesus, Quan Yin and am crazy about Krishna."

  • Your practice, whatever that is, connects you to the truth."

  • "The God of my understanding is who I align with at my core"

  • "You just know it.
  • In the beginning of practice I felt like I was free-falling.
    Now it is a "trust-fall"

  • "Being of service. Reminding myself to
    Be a blessing to everyone that I meet."

    Other classmates mentioned aligning with places, people and animals as well.
    Yoga does not require one to change their belief in a specific religion
    or manifestation of god as it recognizes god in all.


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